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Remote / Goa, India

About Me

A brief history of me, as I live and exist.

Hi! Iā€™m a "fullstack" software engineer (amongst other titles and roles) currently based in Goa, India focussing on building and designing friction-less digital products. I write my thoughts, tips and insights on software engineering here on my blog.

My quirks #

I am passionate about design ā€“ whether it is about the user experience, the interface or the architecture.

The impact it has on any given service, business or startup's success is what inspires me to strive for better. I aim to create a more empathetic environment for everyone through clear, conducive design.

Have a question regarding Web Dev stuff or just development in general? Feel free to ping me on LinkedIn or DM me over on Twitter (that's the fastest way to reach me!).

Speaking #

I am currently available for speaking gigs on web development, project management and software engineering.

Beyond #

When I take a break from coding and designing, I enjoy reading mystery novels, manga, light novels, fanfiction and comics. I also fancy writing but I'm not very good at it.

On almost every website out there, my username is @ajitzero. Feel free to stalk me šŸ”